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Tag Archives: dog
Comparison of the effects of topical and systemic atropine sulfate on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in the normal canine eye
Comparison of the effects of topical and systemic atropine sulfate on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in the normal canine eye. Continue reading
A Crosslinked HA-Based Hydrogel Ameliorates Dry Eye Symptoms in Dogs
A Crosslinked HA-Based Hydrogel Ameliorates Dry Eye Symptoms in Dogs Continue reading
Eye of the rising sun!
Looking at this eye reminded me of the Animals’ glorious hit from 1964 ‘House of the rising sun’ (listen and watch at Continue reading
Is this glaucoma?
This eye belongs to a English Springer Spaniel which has some visual disturbance but isn’t blind. But it does have a hazy cornea and the owner, having read up on the internet is worried her dog has glaucoma. Is this the case and if not what could the diagnosis be? Continue reading
Lump lids!
This picture might be a bit blurry as the dog wasn’t prepared to stand perfectly still but I hope you can see what is going on here – a nasty puffy lid swelling probably signalling blepharitis. This case is from my friends Jen Harrison and Joanna Morall at Acorn House Veterinary Clinic in Bedford. What is happening and how should they investigate and treat it? Continue reading
A puppy with unequal eyes!
A few posts ago I showed you an owl with equal pupils but this poor little Staffie cross puppy has unequal eyes and a certain degree of visual comrpomise. What is happening here do you think? Continue reading
A Bassett with a bothersome eye
This rather depressed looking twelve year old dog is presented with a red irritated eye. What is your likely diagnosis Continue reading
A dog with a black blob!
If the last case was a cat with white blobs on its cornea, here is a labrador with a black blob on or in its eye! Again its a case of pattern recognition – so what is the diagnosis and what needs to be done? By the way the owner is worried its a melanoma – can you reassure her or does it need a referral? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 03/01/2011
What is wrong with the retina in this 9 year old labrador which has gone slowly blind over the last three years? It died of disease not related to its ocular condition. Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 14/06/2010
This middle aged diabetic Golden Retriever was presented with this somewhat alarming ocular appearance. What might your differentials be, how could you test to confirm the diagnosis and is there a link with the diabetes? Continue reading