- anisocoria
- bird
- blepharitis
- cat
- cataract
- chemosis
- ciliary body adenoma
- conjunctivitis
- corneal epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
- corneal oedema
- corneal opacity
- corneal sequestrum
- Corneal ulcer
- descmetocoele
- distichiasis
- dog
- dry eye
- entropion
- exophthalmos
- eyelid tumour
- Food Animal
- glaucoma
- guinea pig
- Horners syndrome
- Horse
- hypertension
- hypertensive retinopathy
- Iridal cyst
- iris dyscolouration
- Iris melanoma
- keratitis
- Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- lens luxation
- normal fundus
- progressive retinal atrophy
- rabbit
- reptile
- retinal degeneration
- retinal detachment
- retinopathy
- retrobulbar abscess
- squamous cell carcinoma
- strabismus
- symblepharon
- uveitis
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Tag Archives: hypertensive retinopathy
Wide eyed!
This little 13 year old cat comes to you with widely dilated unresponsive pupils, apparently totally blind. His owner has come back from holiday having left his neighbour to feed the cat, to find her like this. Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 10/10/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]This cat came to the vet for a routine appointment but had an intraocular haemorrhage while sitting in a dog-filled waiting room. What do you see in the retina and how might explain the haemorrhage? What diagnostic and … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 07/09/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]This 12 year old cat is brought to you as an emergency with haemorrhage in the eye. What might be the causes for this and how might you elucidate which is responsible?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 17/10/2004
[tab name=”The Case”]On routine eye examination of this polydypsic polyuric thirteen year old cat you notice these circular lesions in the retinas of both eyes. What is the likely diagnosis, how would you confirm and treat it?[/tab][end_tabset]
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