Tag Archives: strabismus

A Clinical Case from the Archives : 24/05/2006

This little Siamese has esotropia – its cross-eyed if you want it in normal language! When you look at its retina with an ophthalmoscope its always moving around. Why cross-eyed and why the nystagmus? Continue reading

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A Clinical Case from the Archives : 07/05/2006

[tab name=”The Case”]This two year old chihuahua presents with a somewhat protruding left eye with lateral strabismus. With a forced duction test it is possible to move the globe normally and there is no pain on opening the mouth. What … Continue reading

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A Clinical Case from the Archives : 30/10/2005

[tab name=”The Case”]The treatment in the Irish Wolfhound from the preceeding question has involved pleating the lateral rectus muscle to turn the eye, but has had the effect of bringing across the third eyelid. Why is that?[/tab][end_tabset] 

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A Clinical Case from the Archives : 30/10/2005

[tab name=”The Case”]This two year old Irish Wolfhound is presented with a gradual loss of vision in this eye. What is wrong and what might you do to investigate and treat?[/tab][end_tabset] 

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A Clinical Case from the Archives : 30/10/2005

[tab name=”The Case”]This three year old Labrador is presented to you as the owner is concerned about its eyes, although vision seems to be normal. What is wrong and what tests would you do to determine what is wrong?[/tab][end_tabset] 

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A Clinical Case from the Archives : 03/06/2005

[tab name=”The Case”]What is amiss with the eyes of this young Bulldog puppy? Can it be corrected?[/tab][end_tabset] 

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