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Tag Archives: cat
Why blind?
A colleague referred a blind hyperthyroid cat to me saying she expected to see complete retinal detachment, retinal haemorrhages and vessel changes but didn’t – why is it blind? Continue reading
The need for two views!
I do enjoy receiving images from you for a quick e-diagnosis but many times one does need to see the animal face to face – maybe I should say eye to eye! Here is a cat where a frontal view gives some idea of what is going on but really a full appreciation only comes when other views of the globe can be assessed. What do you think is happening here? Continue reading
Is there an eye at all?!
This poor little cat came in to us via the RSPCA with no home and apparently no eye either! What has happened here and how would you proceed diagnostically and therapeutically? Continue reading
A cat with white blobs on its eye!
Much of ophthalmology is simple pattern recognition. If you’ve seen a cat with these striking white lesions on its cornea before you’ll immediately know what the diagnosis is, and if you haven’t you’ll know after looking at this one! What is the diagnosis? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 09/01/2011
I saw this cat, with similar lesions in both eyes but comfortable and visually still, as a “Have a look at this while you are here” freebee examination in a clinic a few days ago. What are you seeing here? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 26/09/2008
What might you expect to see if you looked at the retina of this sweet little kitten, blind since the day it was rescued from the side of the road? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 14/04/2008
What is happening in this eight year old cat’s eye? How would you treat it? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 12/03/2008
What is happening in this 9 year old cat’s eyes? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 15/10/2007
This nine year old cat presented with lethargy, innappetance and was weak and tachycardic on examination. Ophthalmic examination showed these lesions in his retina. What other tests would you perform and what diagnosis might be made? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 21/07/2007
Here is the offending article and while I couldn’t get a picture of its removal, the diagram I’ve included in the answer shows the way to remove these! Continue reading