- anisocoria
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- blepharitis
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- corneal epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
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- dry eye
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- Iridal cyst
- iris dyscolouration
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- keratitis
- Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- lens luxation
- normal fundus
- progressive retinal atrophy
- rabbit
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- symblepharon
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Tag Archives: symblepharon
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 16/02/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]Here’s one I have to say I am pretty pleased about! Lucky seems rather a sad name for this little 4 week old kitten that comes in from a rehoming centre where he has been left, just about … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 07/09/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]This six week old kitten showed signs of cat flu three weeks ago and now has this ocular appearance. What has happened and what would you do, if anything can be done, to reverse the changes?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 10/10/2004
[tab name=”The Case”]This three week old snowy owl chick is presented to you blind, these lesions having been present throughout its short life. What might your differential diagnosis list be?[/tab][end_tabset]
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