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Tag Archives: cat
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 21/07/2007
Here is the offending article and while I couldn’t get a picture of its removal, the diagram I’ve included in the answer shows the way to remove these! Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 13/06/2007
Richard, one of the vets out there in the real world who often sends me good e-diagnosis pics , asks of this case, whether I think this is a melanoma or not. What do you think? It’s appeared in the last month, according to the owner. Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 16/05/2007
Sorry for not putting any images up on the site recently – too many cases, not enough time to put them up. Here’s one for you – a stray cat I saw at a rehoming charity today. What has it got and what would you do? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 29/03/2007
This cat presents with sudden onset bilateral pupil dilation and less sudden deterioration in vision. Its polydipsic and polyuric, also with a bit of diarrhoea too. What is the likely diagnosis? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 17/03/2007
This kitten has had these grey corneas since birth. Why? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 21/12/2006
This cat presents with a brown deposit in its anterior chamber. It looks as if it might be in the cornea here, like a corneal sequestrum doesn’t it, but believe me it was lying in the aqueous behind the cornea. What is it? How might it have got there? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 18/12/2006
This elderly cat is presented with sore eyes which have been waxing and waning for a time. What might the underlying cause be and what treatment might you use? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 23/11/2006
The persian cat is presented with this weird mass at its medial canthus, one on the eyelid and a couple on its chin. What are they are what needs to be done with them? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 23/11/2006
This picture was sent to me by a concerned colleague – what do you think is going on in this cat’s upper eyelid and what can be done to ameliorate the condition? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 30/10/2006
A seemingly easy one here – what is this lesion in this cat eye? Continue reading