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Tag Archives: dog
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 25/05/2006
This five year old cocker spaniel came to me this morning with a history of gradually failing vision. I asked the students, before we saw the dog, what the likely diagnosis could be. My resident replied PRA, a possible diagnosis with which I agreed. But I didn’t ask what sort of PRA she meant and was surprised to see this retina. What is this disease? The dog is getting clumsier, which could be because of visual deficient – or could it be something else? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 23/05/2006
What is this strange hairy lesionin this young Dachshund’s eye? Is it infectious? Is it inherited? What should we do about it? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 17/05/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]This 5 year old Cavalier King Charles spaniel presents with blood in the anterior chamber of an eye which the owner reports has been blind since birth. What might your differentials for the hyphaema in such a case … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 07/05/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]This two year old chihuahua presents with a somewhat protruding left eye with lateral strabismus. With a forced duction test it is possible to move the globe normally and there is no pain on opening the mouth. What … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 26/02/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]This young labrador is brought to you with persistently dilated pupils but apparently no deficiency with her sight. The owner happens to mention that the dog seems overly interested in a small number of amphibians (she doesn’t know … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 30/01/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]This six year old Jack Russell terrier is presented you because he seemed to have an uncomfortable eye over the weekend but appears to have recovered now. What can you see and what might his problem be? What … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 17/01/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]What is happening in this twelve year old Boxer dog? What should be done to correct the problem?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 17/01/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]Thsi ten year old labrador has gone gradually blind and shows no ocular signs apart from possible changes in the optic nerve as here. She is polydipsic and polyphagic and has abnormally high cortisol levels after an ACTH … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 14/01/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]This twelve year old Cocker spaniel is presented to you with an eye that is irritating her. What sign in this image confirms this and what might be the cause?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 04/12/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]This puppy was given milk replacer for three weeks in the first two months of its life because of illness in the dam. Does that explain this ocular pathology?[/tab][end_tabset]