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Tag Archives: uveitis
The need for two views!
I do enjoy receiving images from you for a quick e-diagnosis but many times one does need to see the animal face to face – maybe I should say eye to eye! Here is a cat where a frontal view gives some idea of what is going on but really a full appreciation only comes when other views of the globe can be assessed. What do you think is happening here? Continue reading
A Bassett with a bothersome eye
This rather depressed looking twelve year old dog is presented with a red irritated eye. What is your likely diagnosis Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 21/01/2008
My colleague Mark Ames e-mailed to ask if I was OK as I hadn’t put any pics on for quite a time! The answer is I’ve been editing a new ophthalmic issue of the Veterinary Clinics of North America which should come out in the spring – all immune-mediated eye disease with some excellent cutting edge papers and some brilliant reviews – but that has taken up all my time! Mark’s beautiful picture of this equine eye was an abolsute must to upload though, I hope you’ll agree – what is going on do you think? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 23/03/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]This cat is presented because the right eye has changed to a yellow-brown from the blue-green of the fellow eye. What could the cause of this be? How would you determine what the true cause is?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 31/01/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]What is the ocular abnormality in this delightful Silkie bantam? What might be causing it and should we be concerned?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 30/01/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]So why is its eye enlarged? The intraocular pressure is 29mmHg just in case that helps you (or on the other hand it might just confuse you!)[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 30/01/2006
[tab name=”The Case”]This cat is presented with an uncomfortable eye but its really the owner who is uncomfortable with the appearance of the cat – the eye is enlarged. We’ll come to the reason for that in the next image, … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 07/09/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]What lesions do you see in this 13 year old dog’s eye? Is the cataract (there’s a giveaway for a start!) suitable for surgery do you think?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 18/07/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]Poor Fresia the goat has developed this horrible eye. What do you see here, what would be your diagnostic plan and how might you treat what you find?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 27/05/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]What is causing the blindness in this youg calf? What might the underlying cause be? The animal also has spastic paresis of its hindlimbs which may or may not help you with the diagnosis![/tab][end_tabset]