- anisocoria
- asteroid hyalosis
- bird
- blepharitis
- canine
- cat
- cataract
- chemosis
- conjunctivitis
- corneal oedema
- corneal pigmentation
- corneal sequestrum
- Corneal ulcer
- distichiasis
- dog
- dry eye
- Encephalitozoan-associated uveitis
- entropion
- exophthalmos
- eyelid tumour
- feline
- Food Animal
- glaucoma
- guinea pig
- Horners syndrome
- Horse
- hypertension
- hypertensive retinopathy
- Iridal cyst
- iris dyscolouration
- Iris melanoma
- keratitis
- Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- lens luxation
- Limbal Melanoma
- owl
- progressive retinal atrophy
- rabbit
- reptile
- retinal degeneration
- retinal detachment
- retinopathy
- strabismus
- symblepharon
- uveitis
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Tag Archives: progressive retinal atrophy
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 03/01/2011
What is wrong with the retina in this 9 year old labrador which has gone slowly blind over the last three years? It died of disease not related to its ocular condition. Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 28/01/2007
This six year old Newfoundland is presented to you with gradually failing eyesight, worse at night. Here is its retina. What might be a possible diagnosis? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 17/10/2004
[tab name=”The Case”]This Siamese cat is presented to you with the owner having been concerned about its vision since they moved house and the cat suddenly couldn’t find its way around. What is the lesion and why has the cat … Continue reading