- anisocoria
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- corneal pigmentation
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- dog
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- Horners syndrome
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- hypertension
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- Iridal cyst
- iris dyscolouration
- Iris melanoma
- keratitis
- Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- lens luxation
- Limbal Melanoma
- owl
- progressive retinal atrophy
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Tag Archives: Horners syndrome
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 14/06/2010
This middle aged diabetic Golden Retriever was presented with this somewhat alarming ocular appearance. What might your differentials be, how could you test to confirm the diagnosis and is there a link with the diabetes? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 21/06/2007
This dog was presented to the vet school with a pyrexia of unknown origin but also this ocular appearance. What is the likely condition and how would you investigate further? Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 13/11/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]This cat has been presented by the owner saying that, having been awol for a few days, the animal arrives back home with her eyes looking like this. What is your provisional diagnosis and what test would you … Continue reading
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 06/08/2005
[tab name=”The Case”]The African Eagle Owl has a persistent ptosis (lowered eyelid). What might cause this and what diagnostic test could you use to confirm your diagnosis?[/tab][end_tabset]
A Clinical Case from the Archives : 23/08/2004
[tab name=”The Case”]This 3 year old male neutered Golden Retreiver was referred after having been seen with a sunken right globe. The tentative diagnosis was Horner’s syndrome. What are the other signs pathognomonic of the condition and what would be … Continue reading